18th Annual Coca-Cola Golden Spoon Awards
27 November, 2024| The Westin Mumbai Powai Lake
GET IN TOUCH: PRITI GUPTA | pritigupta@irisretail.com | +91 8826415472

Assessment Period: January 2024 till date
Entry Closes on 15th November, 2024
(The entrant can participate in more than one award category if qualifies as per eligibility criteria and meets the definition of concerned award category)
Who can nominate: Food & Grocery Retail Chains & Brands, Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Gourmet Stores, Independent Grocers, Kiosks/ Express Formats or Any other Speciality F&G Brands and Retailer.
Across Channels: Brick and Mortar, e-retail, Multi/ Omni Channel Retail
(The entrant can participate in more than one award category if qualifies as per eligibility criteria and meets the definition of concerned award category)
A Success Story of ONE Specific Store operational since 1st Jan, 2023 or before having shown outstanding performance in terms of per sq.ft. sales leading to the particular outlet’s financial revenue.
2024 success stories of collaboration between Food & Grocery brands and retailers in building new consumption/ product categories or transforming a traditional category with innovation – with details of execution and results in terms of creating differentiation, customer or multi stakeholder engagement, increased sales/ consumption with positive feedback/ coverage/ and recognition.
LIVE Presentation of Success Stories to the On-Ground Jury @ The Westin Mumbai Powai on 27 Nov.
(The 3 minutes presentations by Finalists can be made by screening a Video or PPT showcasing the concept, execution and results/ information asked for in nomination form – specific to Assessment Period Financial year 2024. The AV/ video to be in 16:9 ratio to be played in VLC player during the grand jury presentation on 27 Nov 2024).
An outstanding story of retail business transformation in 2024 with details of planning, execution strategy, implementation stages and payoffs/ results.
Food and grocery retailers who have successfully implemented a unique innovation or idea in retail design, merchandising, display, and presentation unveiled in the year 2024.
Apply Here
A food & grocery retailer who have effectively implemented and leveraged strategies to create a better Customer Experience and loyalty during calendar year 2024.
Employee Practice: A food & grocery retailer who has conducted the most effective employee practices during the year to maximize employee performance to achieve employer's strategic objectives.
A Food & Grocery Retailer showcasing achievements in social responsibility through impactful initiatives in areas such as:
- Environmental Sustainability
- Community Development (e.g., healthcare, education, rural development)
- Employee Welfare (health programs, diversity, training)
- Ethical Business Practices (fair trade, responsible marketing)
- Philanthropy (charity, donations, social causes)
- Consumer Welfare/Engagement
- Waste Management
- Transportation & Logistics (EV charging stations, green fleets, bike-friendly infrastructure).
A store launch in 2024, having drawn significant consumer, industry and media attention.
Nominations may be filed in multiple categories by Food & Grocery Brands and retailers in the following categories:
- Debut Store
- New Store
- Flagship Store
- Concept
2024 Success stories of Effective Tech Implementations – with details of execution strategy, implementation stages and payoffs/ results - in areas like:
- In-store Technology Adoption
- Ease of Shopping
- Loyalty Program implementation
- Digital Supply Chain Transformation
- Nominations may be filed in multiple categories by Food & Grocery brands and retailers.
An outstanding story of market expansion in 2024 on the following parameter:
- New Market Penetration
- Trading Area Growth
- Store Count Augmentation
- Acquisition of New Customer Segments
Category leaders having shown outstanding performance in developing their respective categories - managing the same category in the same organisation throughout the 2024.
Nominations may be filed in multiple categories by retailers and or Category Heads / Managers in the following categories:
- Beverages
- Confectionery
- Dairy
- Fresh Produce
- Frozen & Ready to Cook/ Eat
- International Foods
- Meat, Fish & Livestock
- Snacks & Savouries
- Staples
- Others (please specify)
The Quick Commerce Food & Grocery Retail Aggregator has demonstrated exceptional service by offering a platform or service that enables the efficient aggregation and prompt delivery of food and grocery items to customers within a short timeframe.
A Concession Counter, food kiosk or snack bar that is contiguous with the counters of multiple food vendors and provides a common area for purchase of snacks or food at a cinema, amusement park, zoo, aquarium, circus, fair, stadium, beach, swimming pool, concert, sporting event, or other entertainment venue.